Swaving specializes in customized lighting supply and installation. We tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs and to create the most optimal situation.
The amount of light in a barn is a hot topic and is crucial for milk production.
We supply TL (T8) lighting, discharge lamps, and LED lights. Because every barn is different, we offer lighting systems including ready-to-use suspension systems and control cabinets. We take your wishes and requirements into account, calculating and offering the highest possible efficiency.
We supply and install both TL lighting, discharge (sodium) lamps, and LED lamps. We can create a clear and insightful lighting plan for all types, allowing you to immediately see your consumption and costs.
LED lighting
LED lighting has gained increased interest in recent years. There are various options, such as completely new fixtures or the application of LEDs in existing TL fixtures, for example.
TL lighting
A widely used and reliable light source.
For more information, light calculations, or a customized quote, please contact our office.
TL 2x 58watt high frequency T8
Dimensions: 158 x 13 x 8 cm
TL 1x 58watt high frequency T8
Dimensions: 158 x 9 x 8 cm
Various options and possibilities.
YMVK Cable
Various YMVK cables at very competitive prices
YMVK 3×2,5 per meter daily price
YMVK 4×2,5 per meter daily price
YMVK 5×2,5 per meter daily price