Swaving Refreshment System

The Swaving Refreshment System provides extra addition cooling for your livestock on hot summer days and prevents manure from drying out in the manure alley.

The Swaving Refreshment System consists of a pressure line that is attached to the feed fence using brackets. Nozzles mounted at three metre intervals on fence create a fine mist of water that cools the cows that are eating at the feed fence. Misting cold water onto the cows provides an immediate cooling for the cow due to the cold water effect and, in addition, also increases the humidity in the barn, making the environment feel cooler.

Another benefit of the Swaving Refreshment System is that it mists water is mist above the manure alley, and that it dries out prevents the manure from drying on hot summer days. This makes it easier for a manure scraper or manure robot to clean the manure alley properly.

The Swaving Refreshment System operates at a minimum pressure of 3 bar and is controlled by a timer that briefly activates the system several times an hour. The Swaving Refreshment System can also be connected to a hygrometer. This ensures the optimal humidity in the barn and therefore a maximum cooling is effect.
