Energy-Efficient Fan

Save on energy costs with Swaving Stalinrichting’s new and improved fans. These innovative fans feature a motor that consumes only 1.5 amps, compared to the 2.6 amps of older models, resulting in a remarkable 42% reduction in energy consumption.

A comfortable barn climate contributes to the health and well-being of your livestock. Investing in a good barn climate through ventilation solutions like our fans pays for itself.

Especially during the summer months, ventilation is crucial to prevent heat stress. At temperatures as low as 22°C, you’ll notice a decrease in feed intake and milk production in your cows. Other common side effects of heat stress include reduced fertility, increased embryonic loss, and a higher incidence of clinical mastitis. Our new energy-efficient fans help prevent heat stress by creating sufficient air circulation within the barn.

To ensure adequate air circulation, a minimum airspeed of 2 meters per second is required. Our new fans deliver an impressive 39,900 m³ of air per hour, guaranteeing sufficient circulation. With a diameter of 1.30 meters, these fans can be connected to both transformer controllers and frequency controllers.
